DeafBlind International is an international not-for-profit membership organization focused on the needs of individuals who are deafblind, their families and the professionals who provide services. They have a constitution and are managed by a volunteer Board from around the globe.
DeafBlind International is focused on bringing together individuals and organizations to share information such that they can develop and provide quality services in the regions of the world from which they come.
DeafBlind International’s objectives are:
- To encourage the development of professional networks and opportunities for association and learning to the benefit of people who are deafblind and their families.
- To enable interaction between people who are deafblind and their families; and professionals and organisations in the field and the broader community.
- To promote and improve education and opportunities for personal and professional development for people who are deafblind.
- To encourage support and services for people who are deafblind that lead to self-determination and enhanced quality of life.
- To disseminate information to promote and improve the quality of services for people who are deafblind, by encouraging research, staff development and training, and policies that lead to effective, evidence-based practice.