Start Time :
April 6, 2020 @ 11:00 amFinish Time :
April 10, 2020 @ 12:30 pmDisability and COVID-19 Twitter Chat – #DisabilityC19
On Monday 6 April between 11:00am and 12:30pm UK time (BST), IDDC will participate to a Twitter Chat organised by ARISE on disability and COVID-19.
A Twitter Chat is where a group of Twitter users ‘meet’ at a pre-determined time to discuss a certain topic, using a designated hashtag (#DisabilityC19) for each tweet contributed. Visit the event webpage.
The objectives of this chat are to:
- Help identify people, organisations and networks with expertise in disability and COVID-19 and source further resources
- Highlight the particular needs of people with disabilities and potential gaps in the COVID-19 messaging and response (with a focus on low- and middle-income countries)
- Explore how people with disabilities are being included in the COVID-19 response
The questions we will be answering are:
Q1: Who are credible sources for further information on COVID-19 and disability (globally and in different countries)?
Q2: What specific risks do people with disabilities and chronic illness face in relation to the COVID-19 response? What disabilities make people more vulnerable?
Q3: How can we make the messaging about COVID-19 appropriate for people with disability? For example, how can you maintain physical distance if you require personal care?
Q4: Are we producing health communication in appropriate formats, for example sign language? What more needs to be done?
Q5: What steps are being taken to include the views and participation of people with disabilities in the COVID-19 response?
Q6: What are your questions on disability and COVID-19? Are there areas where you need expert advice?
We hope that you can attend. ARISE will collect all of the tweets that contain the hashtag #DisabilityC19 in order to keep a record of the discussion. If appropriate they will collate lists of experts and resources. ARISE will take note of questions from participants that have not received an answer and seek expert advice on these.
ARISE’s vision is to catalyse change in approaches to enhancing accountability and improving the health and wellbeing of poor, marginalised people living in informal urban settlements. ARISE will collect data, build capacity and support people to exercise their right to health. We will work closely with – and be guided by – communities themselves: vulnerable people living in informal settlements who are often ‘off the map’. Launched in January 2019, and funded by UK Research and Innovation’s Global Challenges Research Fund, this ambitious new programme will run for five years. The research consortium consists of ten partners from a range of backgrounds and disciplines. ARISE is led by the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM). Initially, ARISE will work in Bangladesh, India, Kenya and Sierra Leone. Our responsive fund will enable the approach to be trialled in other countries.