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Inclusion of persons with disabilities in European Union development cooperation mechanisms: Sudan report

The three country snapshots in the overall study are aiming to get an initial understanding of how EU Delegations contribute to the implementation of the CRPD and promote disability inclusion across their implementing partners of projects granted through call for proposals.

The methodology applied in the assessment of the EU Delegation to Sudan’s work on including persons with disabilities in their development work reflects the overall methodology of the study, with the difference that due to the security situation, the in-country visit had to be cancelled. This delayed the country assessment and resulted in fewer interviews and consecutively the outcome has to be interpreted with some caution as the scope of discussions and feedback from implementing partners and DPOs were much reduced. Interviews with EU Delegation representatives and a few their EU implementing partners were made over phone and Skype calls, and the Italian Agency for International Cooperation organised a focus group discussion with representatives of organisations of persons with disabilities (DPOs). A desk review of EU special support measures and corresponding strategy and other documents, a review of the disability policies and relevant CRPD reports together with other relevant studies and documentation complemented the key informant interviews.

EIDHR and CSO-LA call for proposals together with 15 of granted project proposals were also assessed to understand if and how disability inclusion was understood and addressed by EU implementing partners.

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