Taking Steps towards Disability Inclusive (sexual and reproductive) Health
What interventions are needed to make health care services and the wider health care system disability inclusive? To find an answer to these questions See You foundation started Every Life Matters (ELM): a programme to promote inclusion of people with disabilities in sexual & reproductive health and eye care in Ethiopia, Rwanda and Mozambique. Together with our in-country partners we developed, tested and improved disability inclusive interventions to make health care services accessible.
The experiences from this programme can now be found in our publication ‘Taking Steps towards Disability Inclusive (sexual and reproductive) health’. It includes lessons learned as well as a complete toolbox for making health services more inclusive!
The publication can be used in different ways, according to your interest:
- Part 1: If you want to know more about the Every Life Matters Programme, its partners, philosophy and set-up, have a look at Part 1.
- Part 2: If you are interested in the experience and lessons learned from the Every Life Matters Programme, Part 2 will offer what you are looking for.
- Part 3: If you are looking for practical tools to promote inclusive health, you can jump straight to Part 3. Here you will find, amongst others, a complete training toolbox to train health staff, the inclusion game to raise awareness about inclusive health, but also formats for monitoring visits. There are also practical tools for inclusion in sexual and reproductive health services.