The present study, commissioned by the Bridge the Gap project, seeks to provide an overview of the situation in project’s partner countries (Burkina Faso, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Paraguay
and Sudan) and to formulate recommendations to international cooperation actors on their possible contribution to strengthen meaningful participation of persons with disabilities in the implementation of the CRPD and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It complements other efforts currently carried out, such as the International Disability Alliance (IDA) global survey of OPDs engagement with governments and development agencies.
Considering the vast range of issues covered by articles 4.3 and 33.3 and the resource and time constraints, the study focused mostly on the interaction between governments and OPDs as intermediary bodies representing the diversity of persons with disabilities with the aims of ensuring their meaningful participation at national level.
The study combined a review of the literature and interviews with representatives of governments, OPDs, service providers, mainstream civil society organisations and development agencies across the 5 countries carried out between August and November 2019 to provide a multi stakeholders perspective on the participation of OPDs in CRPD. It also developed an analytical tool to collectively understand different forms of interaction and participation that could be further developed and used for further studies.