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About Inclusive Development

What do we mean by inclusive development?

  • Equity and equality.

This means that everybody should have equal opportunities
and there should be no discrimination.

  • Leaving no one behind.

It means looking at those who are discriminated against
and make sure they take part in society.

  • Empowerment of persons with disabilities.

This means giving a voice to persons with disabilities
so that they can speak up for themselves.

This should happen al local, national and international level.

  • Awareness raising and capacity building.

It means to make sure that politicians and people who take decisions
are aware of what disability is.

They should also be aware of how people with disabilities
can take part in making society better.

The general population should be aware of this as well.

  • Technical cooperation.

This means that we should also share experiences
and good practices with poorer countries.

That’s very important if we want inclusive development.

  • Coordination with all stakeholders.

This means that all people that work on projects for inclusive development
should work together and share information among them.
