What is our purpose?
We want to promote inclusive development all around the world,
especially in poorer countries.
These are 3 main objectives:
- Make sure that the rights of people with disabilities are taken into account when it comes to supporting poorer countries
- Help our member organisations in working together and share their experiences
- Promote discussions and knowledge on the topic of inclusive development
Our action and activities are guided by our values, which are:
- Human rights for all.
It means that people with disabilities have the right to enjoy the human rights and freedoms that people without disabilities have.
- Inclusion and diversity.
It means including people who are different in society because it makes society better and richer.
This is the reason why people with disabilities should be included in society.
- Sustainable development and social justice.
This means that we need to overcome poverty. While we work on that, we should always keep in mind the rights of people with disabilities.
- Partnership and participation.
This means working together with as many people and organisations as possible.